Midnight Equestria Banner



Be kind and courteous to others. This is always expected to be the case for out-of-character behavior. If you are going to be antagonistic in-character, ensure that those you are playing with are comfortable with the situation. While Midnight is RP-enforced, we don't believe that character action comes before player-comfort. Any kind of actions, roleplay, or sentiment that could be construed as NSFW are to be kept out of any sort of public channel.

Additionally, no vitriolic behavior of any kind is allowed. This additionally includes any bigotry, racist/-phobic language, or dogwhistles. Right-wing weirdos will be kindly escorted out. Midnight is LGBT+-ran, as is most of the playerbase. You can put the rest together. (For more detailed information, type 'help etiquette' in-game.)


Midnight is roleplay-enforced. This means that you'll be expected to always be in-character while in the world! This does not obligate you to RP, however - If you would prefer not to participate in the roleplaying aspect of the game, you may speak using the 'OOC' command. Generally, we take a pretty lax approach to roleplay; it's ridiculous to expect people to never discuss in-character actions out-of-character or vice-versa. We're all playing with little pony dolls, at the end of the day, so engage as much as your personal comfort allows. Global chatter ('Gossip') is considered out-of-character. (For more detailed information, type 'help roleplaying' in-game.)

Scripting and Automation

It's kind of expected that you're going to do some light automation in a MUD. It's just the nature of the beast - Midnight is a grindy game, and it's okay to want to automate the slow parts. Automation by means of client timers, triggers, or scripts is allowed so long as the player is not AFK for longer than 10 minutes at a time. If you would like to script your way through IP gain, you will have to do so with your eye on the game; which means no leaving things running overnight.


Potentially abusable bugs are certain to be found, eventually. In the case that they are discovered, please report these instances to the administrative team (Weavers) so that they can be fixed. Abusing exploits rather than reporting them will result in a re-roll of your character in the kindest of scenarios, and a dismissal from the game, otherwise.